Symbaroum - June's Game of the Month

June's Game of the Month here on will be Symbaroum! The final chapter of the Throne of Thorns campaign will be available for pre-order next week. I've been wanting to do a deep dive and focus on Symbaroum here for a long time. Can't wait. Meanwhile, I have a bunch more Coriolus to present! […]

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Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends!

By Bill PaineReporting from Vermont, USAMay 1, 2023, 4:08 p.m. EDT Hello! Bill here from It’s the first day of May 2023. Carving out time to dedicate to a simple blog has been difficult. My latest scheme is to feature a game every month - and post a weekly article featuring an aspect of […]

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RPG General
Game of the Month Begins!

Greetings Gamers! I’d like to start a regular post on a game of the month. Inspired by Tegan J Gaming's YouTube channel (, I’ll focus on a game in my library each month. I’ll focus on the experience that the game attempts to encourage around our tables and screens. I'll talk about how the game […]

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RPG General
Star Wars and Lego!

Inspired by the OGL rage, here’s a set of ideas that will land me in Copyright Prison, I’m sure. My partner’s employer threw a party recently called Spaghetti & Lego at their offices. She and I built the best set there (picture below)! I'm thinking I might develop a Lego Star Wars rpg campaign. Star […]

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Corporate Re-“Tool”-ing of Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons is likely to re-tool its Open Gaming License.  This should not be surprising or unusual.  The original OGL (and the resultant game SRD) is over 20 years old.  The RPG space has gone through many changes in recent years – digital tools, online games, actual plays on streaming services - so some […]

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PaineFull-DM RPG News - October 2022

Hello! Long time, folks. Sorry for the delays. Here are some of the happenings in my world. I’m going to be going through my RPG library and paring down some of the books that I’m not using. I’d like to donate them to a local game library or game club. Let me know if you […]

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RPG General
Upcoming updates! The One Ring Week Begins!

Sorry for the quiet of recent weeks. Some family things came up. And - ya know “Real Life” stuff. I’m going to implement a better way to manage my schedule and hope to post something weekly. So each week I’ll focus my attention on a different game. I’ll set some simple achievable goals and post […]

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A Return to Tarantis... ?

Since beginning to play TRPGs again 10 years ago, I often think back on my favorite past adventures. A Warhammer campaign – starting with The Enemy Within and most of all, a AD&D campaign with best friends - delving into a city called Tarantis back in the late 80s. Since then, I’ve been chasing that […]

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Mutant: Year Zero
Mutant: Year Zero ideas forming in my head...

I was visiting Richmond Virginia last summer. (Visiting a city in Virginia in August is not for the faint of heart. Just sayin') We were taking an early morning walk around Belle Island in the James River. It was cool to see the mixture of 18th and 19th century remnants of human buildings, some recent […]

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RPG General
Welcome to PaineFull DM

I find myself pondering about role playing games - like Dungeons & Dragons - quite a lot. In my experience, role playing games are a uniquely fun way to experience fictional worlds and interact with friends in those worlds to create interesting stories. Like books or movies, the characters, situations, and themes in those stories […]

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