Like many role playing enthusiasts, D&D was the game that introduced me to role playing games. One of my BBFs and his kid brother - in the role of daring adventurers went down a stone staircase into an ancient catacomb where we were attacked by warrior skeletons and braved traps and found treasure. It was a lot of fun. Since that time - more than 40 years ago - adventures have become more about creating interesting characters, beautiful and challenging worlds, exploring the themes of living creatures - and some not so much living - as unliving (woooah - very scary! Brrr).

Draft of one of my maps

I’m hoping to get the group I was most recently playing with back together over internet soon. We had a great time (I had a great time) over Thanksgiving in 2021. In the Before Times, we were meeting in person, but Bettie and I moved a bit of distance - and one or two of our new players live at least two states away from the rest of us. So online play is really the only option.

There are a great number of published worlds for D&D. I’ve played long enough that I like creating my own - combining bits of some of those published worlds.My D&D world is in development.

Another thing I’m considering is pushing a timeline to a more “steam-punk” world with airships, steam powered clockwork robuts, and trains - but I’ll talk to my players about whether or not that feels like something we can put in the existing world - or maybe a separate world to play in later on.