Affecting Coriolis pt2

So May was Coriolis Month. I read a lot, decided about scenario / adventure sequence - and I did a sort of solo session zero. One realIy encouraging thing was how that solo session zero came together so quickly. I was (am) eager to get started with a group - if I alone can come up with a cool group concept and get started with a ship and character designs, it’ll be so much cooler with a group. I also put together some playlists of music to play during games. I think I’ll get started on using art from the game and some music to make a video trailer - to inspire and recruit a group when I’ve got a few adventures laid out and ready to play.

Also, I’ve decided to use Foundry VTT for remote play when I get ready to do so. I’ve only used Roll20 with Pathfinder and D&D for VTT. Foundry has modules for the game and adventures and I'm eager to get started and invite some friends to play.

Space Station Coriolis

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