Forbidden Lands week (10 days long) begins today (July 10) at!
As it happens, Dave Thaumavore posted a YouTube about Forbidden Lands yesterday - I watched it this morning. In that video (link below), Dave hopes that Free League and Erik Granström will leave Alderland as an open book for GMs to develop their own ideas. It’s a good idea, but I happen to know that […]
April 2024 CASAN Fundraiser - Tarantis, A Reimagining - Part 3
April Arts for Asylum Seekers - Fantastic Geography: Post Ten Whatever fictional space one creates, it’s really helpful to draw on all of your audience’s senses when describing the setting. And I’ve been spending some mental energy thinking of music that I might be able to find that would fit. I like listening to folk […]
April 2024 CASAN Fundraiser - Tarantis, A Reimagining - Part 2
Fantastic Geography: A Multimedia Exploration in Imagined Places: Post Four I’m Bill Paine. Thank you for supporting CASAN and for taking an interest in my project. Today’s entry shows a method of transferring a sketch from notebook to map paper. I superimpose the city map that I’d like to simulate onto my sketch and size […]
April 2024 CASAN Fundraiser - Tarantis, A Reimagining
I participated in 2024's April Arts for Asylum Seekers fundraiser in April 2024. My project was Tarantis, a Reimagining. Here are the posts for the first week.
Pirate Borg and Pirate Goblins! A Piratey Book Report
Firstly, I was fortunate enough to receive a signed copy of Pirate Borg through my patronage of Victory Condition Gaming (!! I’m so excited to dig in! It’s a beautiful book and Dark Caribbean map! One group of my gaming friends will be digging into some piratey adventures in October. We’ll be meeting for a […]
Venturing into Forbidden Lands
As I think I reported before, I backed the Forbidden Lands Bloodmarch and Book of Beasts kickstarter in a big way. Though I already had several too many fantasy RPGs, I found the potential of Forbidden Lands too much to resist. So I ordered everything! I’m really glad I did! The more I explore the […]
Affecting Coriolis pt2
So May was Coriolis Month. I read a lot, decided about scenario / adventure sequence - and I did a sort of solo session zero. One realIy encouraging thing was how that solo session zero came together so quickly. I was (am) eager to get started with a group - if I alone can come […]
ABC - Always Be Content(ing?)
Always be creating - and post more content, Bill! I don’t know if any of you’ve ever decided to start a blog and had plans for content - and then couldn’t keep a schedule - wrote bunch of notes for several different posts, but never “finished” them enough to post? Just me then. I’m on […]