Mutant: Year Zero ideas forming in my head...

I was visiting Richmond Virginia last summer. (Visiting a city in Virginia in August is not for the faint of heart. Just sayin') We were taking an early morning walk around Belle Island in the James River. It was cool to see the mixture of 18th and 19th century remnants of human buildings, some recent constructions, a lot of natural growth, birds and animals, in the middle of a 21st century city.

I took some pictures. As I contemplated the space and imagined it in its varying human history, I thought that it might be an interesting place in which to explore a fictional future. How would characters interact with this environment after disastrous events?

I also began thinking that one way to create some art for it, I could just alter the pictures I was taking in - say - a digital image editor that may or may not have a brand name. YouTube tells me that one can edit photos fairly simply to make them resemble comic book style art - like the art in Mutant: Year Zero books. That’s one of the adventure site seeds that I’m going to explore.

Belle Island
Belle Island, Richmond, Virginia, US - August, 2021

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