Affecting Coriolis pt2

So May was Coriolis Month. I read a lot, decided about scenario / adventure sequence - and I did a sort of solo session zero. One realIy encouraging thing was how that solo session zero came together so quickly. I was (am) eager to get started with a group - if I alone can come […]

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Symbaroum - June's Game of the Month

June's Game of the Month here on will be Symbaroum! The final chapter of the Throne of Thorns campaign will be available for pre-order next week. I've been wanting to do a deep dive and focus on Symbaroum here for a long time. Can't wait. Meanwhile, I have a bunch more Coriolus to present! […]

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Affecting Coriolis - Part 1 - Get started

Scripture (Coriolis core book) suggests to begin a game, a group starts with a ship, a group purpose, and then build characters. This encourages if not requires the players and GM to meet under a “Session0.” I’ve been planning - especially with Coriolis - on doing a Session0 to start a group that plans to […]

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Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends!

By Bill PaineReporting from Vermont, USAMay 1, 2023, 4:08 p.m. EDT Hello! Bill here from It’s the first day of May 2023. Carving out time to dedicate to a simple blog has been difficult. My latest scheme is to feature a game every month - and post a weekly article featuring an aspect of […]

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New Coriolis Content on its Way!

The third and final chapter of Mercy of the Icons is soon to be. I’ve pre-ordered mine. I’m guessing that it will take long enough to actually get here - so I’ll have time to read the first two - and have time to get a group started to play !? [crossing fingers] Wake of […]

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