Game of the Month Begins!
Greetings Gamers! I’d like to start a regular post on a game of the month. Inspired by Tegan J Gaming's YouTube channel (, I’ll focus on a game in my library each month. I’ll focus on the experience that the game attempts to encourage around our tables and screens. I'll talk about how the game […]
Upcoming updates! The One Ring Week Begins!
Sorry for the quiet of recent weeks. Some family things came up. And - ya know “Real Life” stuff. I’m going to implement a better way to manage my schedule and hope to post something weekly. So each week I’ll focus my attention on a different game. I’ll set some simple achievable goals and post […]
The One Ring: Ruins of the Lost Realm
The One Ring - Ruins of the Lost Realm (in digital format) was just released to Kickstarter backers. I was fortunate enough to get my PDF this morning. Boy, is it beautiful! I’ll expand on my review of the whole game soon, but for now, I’m really excited about this particular book! I remember owning […]