Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends!
By Bill Paine
Reporting from Vermont, USA
May 1, 2023, 4:08 p.m. EDT
Hello! Bill here from PaineFull-DM.com. It’s the first day of May 2023. Carving out time to dedicate to a simple blog has been difficult. My latest scheme is to feature a game every month - and post a weekly article featuring an aspect of that game.
May's Game of the Month: Coriolis: The Third Horizon
I decided in April that I would do some reading and research on Coriolis: The Third Horizon. So May will be Coriolis month at PaineFull-DM.com. If you’d like to get on with it and just dive in to Coriolis, here’s a link to today’s article

In other news (some is related to Coriolis), I received a preorder (Coriolis: Mercy of the Icons part III, Wake of the Icons) and a long-awaited Kickstarter fulfillment (Forbidden Lands) in the US Mail in April. I will talk about the whole Mercy of the Icons campaign in Coriolis month and my thoughts about Wake of the Icons.
I’m awaiting another pre-order - Fantasy AGE 2nd Ed. I played Fantasy AGE with my daughter and some friends after watching Wil Wheaton’s Ashes of Valkana series on the YouTubes. I love how the game’s elegant framework brings just enough structure and fun surprises to roleplay and keeps the focus on the story and characters. So getting Fantasy AGE 2.0 made sense. I’ve been working off and on since playing in that campaign to bring a steam / tech punk fantasy setting to reality. I started by using the Fantasy AGE ruleset - and I may continue with that going forward. Maybe I’ll focus on that world one of these upcoming months.
At first glance, I didn’t “need” Forbidden Lands. I already had one too many fantasy roleplaying games. Actually, probably several too many fantasy roleplaying games. I was drawn in by the art being shown for the Book of Beasts that was being developed and kickstarted in 2021. I started watching a bunch of videos on YouTube and listening to reviews and actual plays on podcasts of Forbidden Lands. I jumped in on the Kickstarter for the Book of Beasts and Bloodmarch books. By the time the box was being sent to my house, I had ordered everything for the game that was in print and all of the digital resources as well.
Forbidden Lands will likely be PaineFull-DM’s Game of the Month in June or July. Here’s a picture of my Forbidden Lands hoard.