“Mutant: Year Zero takes you to the world after the great Apocalypse. Humanity’s proud civilization has fallen. The cities are dead wastelands, winds sweeping along empty streets turned into graveyards. But life remains. Among the ruins, the People live. You are the heirs of humanity – but not quite human anymore. Your bodies and minds are capable of superhuman feats. You are mutants.”
-from the Free League website - https://freeleaguepublishing.com/en/games/mutant-year-zero/

I played Gamma World back in the 80s - usually with my cousin and other friends. I haven’t had a hankering for post-apocalypse games in recent years. In the last year, though, I had a few ideas for adventures that take place in an overgrown urban landscape and - I don’t know… Somehow, I’m beginning to think apocalyptical themes are somehow topical. Crazy, right!?
- Mutant: Year Zero ideas forming in my head...I was visiting Richmond Virginia last summer. (Visiting a city in Virginia in August is not for the faint of heart. Just sayin') We were taking an early morning walk around Belle Island in the James River. It was cool to see the mixture of 18th and 19th century remnants of human buildings, some recent… Read more: Mutant: Year Zero ideas forming in my head...