Venturing into Forbidden Lands
As I think I reported before, I backed the Forbidden Lands Bloodmarch and Book of Beasts kickstarter in a big way. Though I already had several too many fantasy RPGs, I found the potential of Forbidden Lands too much to resist. So I ordered everything!

I’m really glad I did! The more I explore the world, the mechanics, and the experience that the game works toward, the more I feel that all is in tune with the experiences that I wish to help bring to the table. Forbidden Lands evokes the experiences that bring me back to my favorite fantasy role playing memories. Somehow, the mechanics feel new, rich, and yet don't seem to get in the way of the unfolding adventure. There's an interesting feel of player directed stories - yet that world has its own story to tell and draw the characters in without telling them what to do or how to behave.
I’m hoping to develop a Forbidden Lands campaign online using Foundry VTT. I’m currently reading and learning how to play Forbidden Lands and learning how to present the game using Foundry VTT.
I’ve been working on “rebuilding” a the City State of Tarantis from days of yore. As I’ve been reimagining it, I realize that my reimagining will be nearly nothing like the original. Nonetheless, I’m enjoying the challenge of building a port city in a fantasy setting. For a long time, I was going to develop this for D&D - but I’ve decided to place it in a northeastern cove in Alderland. In an interview Erik Granstrom, the primary writer of Forbidden Lands lore, Alderland has some cities. The book about Alderland is yet to be written, but we have some information and legends in some of the other books. I'm starting to sketch maps for Tarantis (or whatever name I come up with).
One thing I absolutely LOVE about the TTRPG community is how easy it is to communicate and even become friends with "celebrity" game developers, writers, artists, etc. The other day, I floated the idea above on a Discord channel discussing Forbidden Lands. Erik Granstrom himself responded by showing a simple map sketch of northeastern Alderland that he's working on and asked of the group what we thought for names of the city. I may end up renaming my city when the Alderland book becomes a thing - or just keep my city there and relocate any city that Mr. Granstrom puts there (one of the many wonderful things about Forbidden Lands!)