“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
The One Ring 2nd Edition has arrived!! I’ve been a big fan of adventuring in Middle Earth. Back in the 80s I collected and played Middle Earth Role Playing. My kids and I played the Lord of the Rings miniature game (Games Workshop) after the movies came out. I have a lot of The One Ring 1st edition books and I’m eager to put pencils to paper and dice to trays - and wander around Middle Earth again with friends. I really like the systems that The One Ring uses and the art in the books in both editions. The 2nd edition builds on the 1st and is being published by my favorite game publishers Free League Publishing. SO looking forward to diving into the new version!

Goals: To read and play some of the starter set adventures and begin to form an ongoing adventure campaign
Recent Developments: New stuff arrived! Received Starter Set, 2nd Ed Rulebook, GM Screen, Dice, Cloth map of Eriador
Currently reading: Starter set adventures, Core Rulebook, and 1st ed Ruins of the North