Welcome to PaineFull DM

I find myself pondering about role playing games - like Dungeons & Dragons - quite a lot. In my experience, role playing games are a uniquely fun way to experience fictional worlds and interact with friends in those worlds to create interesting stories. Like books or movies, the characters, situations, and themes in those stories can explore deep and provocative experiences - and / or be fun and frivolous adventures with friends.

The different TTRPGs (Table Top Role Playing Games) are designed not only to reflect different environments, but often to present an entirely different experience around the table. Whether it’s a tense and fearful run from a xenomorph in Alien, a heroic magical encounter with a mind flayer in D&D, or walking the Great East Road out of Bree in Tolkien’s Middle Earth - each game has it’s own flavors, textures, and experiences around the table (or virtual table).

Bill's Top Shelf
Top shelf of my shelves

So I've created this website to explore and share different projects and the states of those projects that I have in my head. Writing them is an exercise of organization, goal setting, and maybe a little perceived external pressure to keep myself engaged in the process.

I have a lot of project starts for things like adventures and setting material for a bunch of different games. I would like to develop some of these ideas into something usable - either for my D&D group, or develop them for future use - maybe even publish them on community publishing sites.

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