Forbidden Lands Menu

Speaking of my overabundance fantasy RPGs, I backed the Book of Beasts supplement Kickstarter for Forbidden Lands last year. I didn’t think I needed another game (still don’t) but I thought that the art was wonderful and the reviews I read and watched about Forbidden Lands told me that it was worthy of my attention. So I backed at the starter level. This means that I’ll get the starter box as well as the Kickstarter books when the stuff is scheduled to ship in August or September.

Art courtesy Free League Publishing -
Forbidden Lands boxed set

So I was looking at my backed Kickstarter list last week to see when and how many shipments might be due over the rest of the year. I’m going to have to mothball some stuff in order to fit Forbidden Lands into my limited collection space.

One night last week I had a dream in which I was cooking a meal that had come in a package (like those subscription meal services one sees advertised. Painefull-DM is not sponsored by any of these, so I will not buzz-market them:)). The large package contained pledge items for Forbidden Lands. In my dream world, the FL Kickstarter included the ingredients to make a meal that the GM serves during play. Quite a cool stretch goal, I thought later. While sleeping I was a little miffed that I might have to order a lot more meal kits in order to play the game more than once.

I don't remember exactly what I was cooking, but there were only enough ingredients to make one meal for two. Not enough for a group of gamers - or enough for more than one session. I was wondering how I was going to provide for a group session, let alone a campaign.

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2 thoughts on “Forbidden Lands Menu

  1. Mark says:

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

    1. Thank you. "Real life" has been getting in the way of late. Hope to post more regularly soon.

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